I came across this video (via
Shareable, one of my favorite blogs)that does a fantastic job highlighting the future of conusmption: Collaborative Consumption. It's amazing how many different solutions people, company and organizations are coming up with all with the goal of reducing wasteful spending and consumption of newly produced goods. From bikeshare programs to ZipCar and their new app which 100,000 people in the first week to bartering services and gifting economies.... we are just on the cusp of a new mode of consumption.
The interesting thing is that most of these new service based ideas all intrinsically connect people to each other in different ways. If it's meeting a new person when you pick up an item on freecycle or unlocking a rental bike at a bike sharing rack and meeting someone doing the same thing... peers, people with similar interest are connecting in ways that have not been common in a long time.
It's an exciting time right now and we're exciting to be a part of this socioeconomic shift!
Check out the awesome video!