I attended my first neighborhood council meeting tonight in East Walnut Hills in Cincinnati, OH. I really didn't know what to expect. What I did know is that the room would be filled with people who were passionate about their neighborhood. And that it was. There were about 25 neighbors in attendance. There was a formal leader of the meeting and a typed of agenda and notes from last month's assembly. That was helpful to get me grounded on what topics were discussed that preceded this meeting.
A few highlights... it felt really good to see how excited folks were when the leader Joe talked about new businesses that recently opened up. In a town where many businesses have come and gone, it's always nice to hear about determined business owner who want to keep a neighborhood alive with new shops and restaurants. A few that I took note of:
- Lucky John's Slow Market @ 2550 Woodburn Avenue. Selling healthy and organic products and expanding to sell furniture, accessories, clothing and more- all from local companies.
- Suzie Wong's @ 1544 Madison Road. Owner of Shanghai Mama's opens up new Asian restaurant. Group went here after the neighborhood meeting! It's currently a BYO!
- Art, Jewelry and Potter Sale @ 2801 Woodburn Ave. Sat & Sun 11-4 through December. Local artisans make and sell knits, rugs, weavings, pottery, paintings
I must admit it was sad to hear that 19 East Walnut Hills Police Officers jobs will be cut in the next few weeks. As well as a favorite Police Officer will be getting demoted. However, the police officers shared good news. Crime went down 60% in the last year in EWH!
I look forward to attending lots more Cincinnati Neighborhood Council meetings and meeting new neighbors over the next few weeks.
We met last night at Clifton Town Meeting. I am the editor of the Clifton Chronicle, Tom Lohre. Please call me at 513-236-1704 by Tuesday December 8. We are making up a flyer to be distributed in the shops on Ludlow and want to include information about Share Some Sugar.