There are lots of really awesome things that Northside Neighbors are doing to build a sustainable community. I'd like to share some of the great things that were talked about at the meeting.
- Two very passionate neighbors, Jon and Heather are starting a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group in Northside. I love that they are building this from the ground up. But the thing that really got me excited is that there are lots of ways for neighbors to get involved. You can not only purchase locally grown food, help garden and grow produce, but you can also share your garden with the CSA so they can use it grow veggies! What a fantastic use of privately owned space. They have a vision of using as much local land as they can get their hands on to grow local food and then support the community with it!
- In the good old days, neighbors would knock on your door and bring you baked goods when you moved in the neighborhood. In Northside they've evolved this tradition of welcoming new neighbors by having Meet & Greet events and neighborhood potlucks!
- Northside is planning to grow their 'Northside Goes Green' Earth Week into a bigger and better week this year. With plans to have another 'Reduce/Recycle/Run-Walk-Bike' race, a 40th Earth Day celebration, Great American Cleanup and lots more! Looking forward to Earth Week!
- Northside has moved their wonderful farmers market indoors for the winter:North Presbyterian Church Auditorium at 4222 Hamilton Avenue on Wednesdays 4:00- 7:30pm from now until the market moves back outside in the spring. For more information contact Robin Hendersonvia email or at 513-591-0083.
- There's a Bicycle Cooperative in Northside; MOBO! Who knew?! Bring your bike and work on it all year long.
Looking forward to partaking in some of the Northside upcoming events!
Kera, Please e-mail at tom@tomlohre.com. I am the editor of the Clifton Chronicle and want to include your site in every issue.